Hematite and canary coloured agate with Pearl and Agate drop

Hematite and canary coloured agate with Pearl and Agate drop

Pearl cascade on blue suede tie necklace with one pearl backdrop

Pearl cascade on blue suede tie necklace with one pearl backdrop

Blue suede Pearl necklace

Blue suede Pearl necklace

White Agate and Hematite Necklace

White Agate and Hematite Necklace

Smokey Quartz and Pyrite necklace

Smokey Quartz and Pyrite necklace

Long Pearl necklace with Black and Green Agate

Long Pearl necklace with Black and Green Agate

Brown Agate / Black Onyx necklace

Brown Agate / Black Onyx necklace

Long brown suede necklace with pearls

Long brown suede necklace with pearls

Hematite and Aubergine colour Agate necklace

Hematite and Aubergine colour Agate necklace

Mandarin coloured Agate necklace

Mandarin coloured Agate necklace

Round white pearls on Satin

Round white pearls on Satin

Purple Pearls Satin Necklace

Purple Pearls Satin Necklace

White Agate and Hematite necklace

White Agate and Hematite necklace

Tourmaline tie necklace with large Pearl

Tourmaline tie necklace with large Pearl

Smokey Quartz necklace with Pearl

Smokey Quartz necklace with Pearl

Clip earrings with large Pearls

Clip earrings with large Pearls

Satin bracelet with Pearls

Satin bracelet with Pearls

Spinel, Pearl and satin bracelet

Spinel, Pearl and satin bracelet

Pink Pearl and Amethyst satin adjustable bracelet

Pink Pearl and Amethyst satin adjustable bracelet

Satin bracelet with Pearl and Grey sapphire, adjustable

Satin bracelet with Pearl and Grey sapphire, adjustable

Amethyst and Ametrine bracelet

Amethyst and Ametrine bracelet
